Georgian Psychoanalytical Psychotherapeutic Society For all professionals, working with children and adults in fields of psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry and more. The Georgian Psychoanalytical Psychotherapeutic Society (GPPS – invites you to participate in the international seminar “Trauma, Ethnicity and War
Register: Seminar of Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber and Werner Bohleber
About Werner Bohleber
About Werner Bohleber Werner Bohleber, Dr. philosophy, psychoanalyst in private practice in Frankfurt/Germany. Training and Supervising Analyst, former President of the German Psychoanalytical Association, now Vice-president. Member of the Board of Representatives of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Editor of
About Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber
About Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber is a training analyst in the German Psychoanalytical Association, former Chair of the Research Subcommittees for Conceptual Research, and a member of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society. She is Vice Chair of the Research Board
Registration: Seminar of René Roussillon
About René Roussillon
About René Roussillon Rene Roussillon is a full member of the Société psychanalytique de Paris and director of the department of clinical psychology at the University of Lumiere in Lyon 2 and also president of the psychoanalysis group in
Registration: Seminar of Irma Brenman Pick
About Irma Brenman Pick

About Irma Brenman Pick Irma Brenman Pick is a Distinguished Fellow, Supervising and Training Analyst and former President of the British Psychoanalytical Society.
Additional Information For Participants of the Conference
Additional Information For Participants of the Conference “Medea, Femininity Love and Hate”. October 18 19-20, 2018 Venue: Ivane Javakhishvli Tbilisi State University, Conference Hall ( Second floor) Address: Ilia Chavchavadze 1 Registration will be open in October 18, Thursday, from 15:00
ობიექტის გამოყენება (თავი დონალდ ვინიკოტის წიგნიდან “ თამაში და რეალობა”)
მე მსურს, ამ თავში განვიხილოთ ობიექტის გამოყენების იდეა. ობიექტთა ურთიერთმიმართების თემა, ვფიქრობ, დაწვრილებით გვაქვს განხილული, ობიექტის გამოყენების თემა კი, შესაძლოა, არც არასდროს გამხდარა სპეციალური კვლევის საგანი. ეს ნაშრომი ობიექტის გამოყენების საკითხის შესახებ სათავეს იღებს ჩემი კლინიკური პრაქტიკიდან და U ჩემი